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Roaming performance in historic mansion celebrates 1000th show

Werribee Park Mansion's theatre in residence has been welcoming audiences with a captivating story for 20 years.


Performance review: City of Angels, Hayes Theatre

An irreverent pastiche of the Golden Age of Hollywood and the writers who created it.

Metal band performing on stage to crowd.

Performance review: Adelaide Guitar Festival, Adelaide Festival Centre

Two performances showcasing guitar-based music in its various forms, from classical orchestras to death metal.


Large regional arts centre to open in Geelong

Celebrate First Nations stories, live music, theatre and community creatives at the new Geelong Arts Centre.


New Canberran festival discovers Uncharted path

From 7-16 July, Uncharted Territory encourages visitors to step outside of their comfort zone and discover the breadth of innovation…


2023 NAIDOC Week events wrap

A selection of arts and cultural event highlights during this year’s NAIDOC Week, running from 2-9 July 2023.


Festival review: Dark Mofo 2023 Week One

Two days worth of music and art in Tasmania in one review.

Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Intimacy Coordinator

With wealth of experience in theatre and advocacy, Cessalee Stovall shares why she took the path to become an Intimacy…

Education & Student News

New wave of creative talent in the spotlight

A national graduate show and a 24-hour play development marathon bring all the excitement of new talent to WA.


'In 2023, CIAF is a movement'

The Cairns Indigenous Art Fair displays the breadth and depth of First Nations engagement under the helm of Artistic Director…

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