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Gallery with cement floors and colour landscape paintings. Arthur Boyd.

Exhibition review: Wilder Times, Bundanon

What were you doing in 1984? This exhibition positions Arthur Boyd's iconic landscapes alongside other artists of the day.

A group of people all dressed in black leotards are looking up, about to catch a single performer who is dressed in gold and is seen in mid-air. They are standing in front of gold drapery.

Circus review: Duck Pond, Sydney Coliseum Theatre

Circa presented a modern take on Tchaikovsky’s ‘Swan Lake’ and Hans Christian Andersen’s ‘The Ugly Duckling’ in a collision of…

A crouching crowd all in black wearing gold masks.

Performance review: Mysterion: Descent Into Hades, Hellenic Museum

An immersive, interactive production where the audience has to undergo quests to unlock the secrets of immortality.


Theatre review: Little Blue Dot, Monash University

What do a team of astrophysicists have to do with making children’s theatre?

Two women wearing bedazzled gloves are holding onto their stretched out legs that are shod in silver high heels.

Dance review: Wet Hard Long, Dancehouse

Contemporary dance performed in eight-inch heels is spellbinding.

Two men dressed casually in hoodies stand between another man who is stuck inside a tall, caged structure.

Theatre review: Famished Future Feeders, New Benner Theatre, Metro Arts

Exploring diverse elements of a darkly dystopian future, this well-staged production features promising new talent. 

A woman dressed in pants and a long coat is standing in front of a large screen with an image of a close up headshot of a fuzzy pink and long-haired creature with fangs.

Theatre review: Dracula, Roslyn Packer Theatre

Director Kip Williams returns with his third 'cine-theatre' production of a Gothic trilogy.

A space man is walking on surface of a moon. The lighting is a yellow haze. In the foreground are people seated, looking up at him in the spherical shape of the planetarium.

Sonic and graphic review: Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon, Scienceworks Planetarium

Pink Floyd's iconic album plays to space graphics in the immersive stereo surround of the Planetarium.

Two panels. On the left is a blonde woman with glasses and a black top. On the right is a cover of a book with 'The Cautious Traveller's Guide to the Wastelands' written in black. The cover is black and tan with a picture of an incoming train.

Book review: The Cautious Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands, Sarah Brooks

A sweeping novel of strange lands, mysterious characters, and a train journey that will change the world.

Two panels. On the left is a headshot of a man. He's tanned with short cropped grey hair and wearing a black top. On the right is the cover of a book with 'The Afterlife Confessor' in neon pink and 'Last call for tell all' in neon blue. There is a picture of tombstones in a graveyard in pink and blue shades.

Book review: The Afterlife Confessional, Bill Edgar

A unique and heady mix of bereavement, repentance, revenge and regret.

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