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From calling to career: mastering the art of writing for stage and screen

Playwright and screenwriter Emme Hoy describes how NIDA’s Master of Fine Arts (Dramatic Writing) helped her hone her craft and…

Head and shoulders shot of a young woman of Asian appearance looking at the camera.
Education & Student News

Why I studied... Bachelor of Arts Screen: Production

Emerging screen producer Faraz Anarwala talks about studying at AFTRS and specialising in Production Design, Sound and Cinematography.

Nan Goldin photography of woman looking in bathroom mirror

A lesson in activism from US photographer Nan Goldin

NGA’s acquisition of Nan Goldin’s iconic suite of 126 photographs ‘The Ballad…’ offers lessons in documenting truth in times of…

bloody hand with large knife, symbolising cuts to arts programming

Taking a machete to the ABC ... again

Has the ABC gone too far this time?

Education & Student News

So you want my arts job: Media and Drama Teacher

From teaching stage lighting to drama students to training other teachers to use video games in lesson plans, Brett Jenkins…


Flexibility and innovation are the ‘new black’ in film studies

SCA cracks the kernel for red carpet success, starting with a mosh of new thinking and showreel opportunities.

Education & Student News

Metro magazine's future under threat

Australia's oldest and most prestigious screen publication is under threat. A campaign hopes to raise funds and find a partner.


Jennifer Coolidge Sydney-bound for Vivid

‘The White Lotus’ creator Mike White and star Jennifer Coolidge will feature in an exclusive event at Vivid Sydney 2023.


A horse death during 'The Rings of Power' leads to questions for the industry

Horse welfare in entertainment and sport needs improvement, says Karen Luke.


In Our Blood, it still runs

In light of the new ABC series 'In Our Blood', ArtsHub takes a closer look at the history of HIV…

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