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crime fiction. Image is author headshot on right of woman with long chestnut hair and glasses, and on the left an illustration of a country house and green lawns with a meandering driveway leading to the house.

When crime fiction helps literacy in Tasmania

A crime fiction book that's deliberately easy to read is targeted at helping Tasmania's literacy problems.

books. Image is shelves of books with their spines facing away from the viewer.

10 underrated books in 2023

Some worthy Australian books published this year that may have escaped your attention.

A Brief History of Thought. Image is on the left an upper body shot of author John Bryson, a bald-headed smiling man in a dark shirt and light jacket, on the right a book cover with an illustration of a headshot of the same man in sepia but looking dour.

Book review: A Brief History of Thought – Unfinished, John Bryson

If anyone is up to the ambitious task of analysing the history of thought, it is the author of 'Evil…

Bright Shining. Image is a colour headshot of a smiling woman with shoulder length brown hair and an open necked white blouse. On the right is a yellow and orange abstract book cover.

Book review: Bright Shining, Julia Baird

A companion piece to her earlier book, 'Phosphorescence', 'Bright Shining' explores the quality of grace.

Sydney Review of Books. Image is an author shot on the left, a woman with very short dark hair outside leaning on a white fence, and on the right a green book cover filled with authors' names.

Book review: Critic Swallows Book: Ten Years of the Sydney Review of Books, edited by Catriona Menzies-Pike

A selection of essays that bear witness to a diverse history of literary criticism in Australia.

Albanese. Image is a range of book covers

Six books Prime Minister Albanese should read this summer

The Grattan Institute's recommended summer reads are aimed at inspiring better decision-making at a governmental level.

So Close to Home. Image is an author headshot on the left of a bald headed middle aged man in a brown shirt and a book cover depicting a sky at sunset with the silhouette of a young man in a hoodie in the foreground, on the right.

Book review: So Close to Home, Mick Cummins

A powerful and authentic tale of drug addiction.

Beatrix & Fred. Image is a black and white headshot of the author on the left, she has dark hair and polo neck jumper. On the right is a blue book cover with the title and a dead (upside down) canary at the bottom of the image.

Book review: Beatrix & Fred, Emily Spurr

Two loners and their odd, off-kilter relationship.

Eggs. Image is a woman in a sleeveless green dress and a book cover of a doughnut shaped object.

Book review: How To Order Eggs Sunny Side Up, Lisa Collyer

A debut collection of poetry that breaks down taboos about the state of women’s bodies and the state of the…

Into Your Arms. Image is a purple book cover featuring a black and white picture of Nick Cave and on the right an editor's headshot of a woman with blond wavy shoulder length hair and black clothing smiling at the camera.

Book review: Into Your Arms, Edited by Kirsten Krauth

A collection that demonstrates how forces within powerful music can sometimes shape and inform powerful writing.

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