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Serious Budget boost for Comedy Festival

VICTORIAN ARTS BUDGET: Victorians can expect more big name acts, more free programming and more belly laughs from the Melbourne…


Is Arts Victoria funding about to be cut, or not?

ARTS INDUSTRY COUNCIL (VICTORIA): Will Victoria’s Baillieu Liberal National government continue to fund key Arts Victoria programs or won’t they?…


Lucy Guerin's 'Untrained' on tour

LUCY GUERIN INC.: Far more than a stage version of a ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ audition, what emerges…


Grant Writing Part 3: Tips on applying for grants

FUNDING: The previous articles in this series have focused on the topic of grants which are available and the processes…


Mod Dance: A different model for funding dance

DANCE: It was recently announced that Graeme Murphy is the new patron of new Sydney dance company Mod Dance Company…


AUDITION SERIES: Audition Disasters

AUDITION SERIES: Audition Disasters. Marea Jablonski Head of BGM Management in Melbourne has had many actors over the years call…


AUDITION SERIES: Common audition mistakes

There are so many things in auditions that are beyond you’re control, that have nothing to do with talent and…


AUDITION SERIES: What to expect at an audition

AUDITION SERIES: Fantastic, you’ve got an audition. But now, that you’ve stopped jumping up and down, the nerves have set…


AUDITION SERIES: Preparing for an audition

AUDITION SERIES: How will you know when you’re prepared for your big audition? Try saying these lines and see how…


Prizes, awards and grants for 2011

PRIZES, AWARDS AND GRANTS: Have you done something great? Maybe a lot of things, maybe where you work or someone…

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