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Writers adapt to COVID-19 with connection and community

COVID-19 has decimated many writers' schedules: book launches have been postponed, gigs cancelled. But amidst the chaos, an online community…


Australia Council CEO explains new Resilience Grants

$5 million in re-purposed funding will help artists survive, adapt and create, explains Australia Council CEO Adrian Collette.


Emerging Writers’ Festival takes program online in response to COVID-19

In some positive news for the sector, the Emerging Writers Festival has decided to continue on with its festival event…


Screen industry wants JobKeeper repairs

The industry is racing to fix the wonky machine of JobKeeper so it actually works for the screen sector.


State Screen Agencies Respond to COVID-19

Keeping businesses afloat, fast-tracking development and priming for quick recovery are key for agencies, with smaller states able to respond…


JobKeeper payment for sole traders: what you need to know

Here is everything we know about applying for JobKeeper payments as a sole trader.


Post production as coronavirus exiles directors

While the production sector has crashed to a halt, what has been happening to the post production sector? We talk…


Australian Directors' Guild Opens Doors Slashes Fees

Free associate memberships and discounted rates signal a newly open guild as the ADG Awards get pushed back to September.


What are your legal rights during COVID-19?

The Arts Law Centre of Australia has created an information sheet to walk you through your legal rights as an…


ICYMI: The week's top news in the arts

As arts organisations go online, a whole bunch of opportunities have opened up for artists - we give you the…

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