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Literary journal. A freshly sharpened pencil sits amid pencils shavings and a pencil sharpener on a blank page, suggesting the start of a new creative writing project.

New literary journal set to enrich Australia's cultural landscape

The new journal is driven by Writers SA with the support of the state’s three universities and Arts South Australia.

Image shows love hearts and hands, a drawing by kindergarten and year 1 students at Gymea North Primary School, showing in Every Step Counts and responding to 'Respectful Relationships'
Education & Student News

Kids' art and poetry exhibition at NSW Parliament House celebrates respectful relationships

Showcasing work by primary and secondary school students from 28 NSW public schools, the 'Every Step Counts' exhibition responds to…


A slower, less transactional biennial for Adelaide

Prefacing the human condition, and the healing aspect of intimate spaces, the next edition of the Adelaide Biennial of Australia…


Second consecutive poetry win for 2023 Stella Prize

Editor, critic and poet Sarah Holland-Batt has taken out the 2023 Stella Prize for a tender but unflinching collection on…

The spines of six books are shown lined up against a greenish-yellow background.

Small presses shine in Stella shortlist

Six ‘culture shifting’ books have been shortlisted for the $60,000 Stella Prize, which recognises the best books by Australian women.


Vale Robert Adamson, poet of the Hawkesbury River

Adamson was widely feted in his five-decade career as a poet, publisher and editor.


Writing doesn’t deliver a living wage says new Australia Council report

An Australian author’s average income is just $18,200 a year according to a new Australia Council survey.


To amplify diverse voices

A specialised bookstore advocates for books written by authors of colour to take up more space on our shelves.


Poetry and hip-hop music, how does that work?

An Australian modernist poet reconfigurated through spoken words and moving screen for a contemporary audience.


Narratives of struggle and healing in Refugee Week

Events commemorating and celebrating Refugee Week 2022.

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