Why Wordle has become a new online obsession
Erin Sebo from Flinders University dissects the popularity of Wordle.
Are NFTs the emperor’s new clothes?
The backlash against NFTs and use of the blockchain is vocal and prolific. So why are gaming companies like Square…
How to apply for a job in games (and what not to do)
Applying for a job in the games industry is a daunting prospect for aspiring developers. Here is a stack of…
Have Radiohead made a gallery from the PS5?
Legendary alternative band Radiohead have built a free interactive art exhibition for the PlayStation 5 and PC. It’s very cool.
How virtual events and museums can be better
In the lockdown era, virtual galleries and exhibitions strive for true-to-life immersion, but they're missing one key element. The video…
The Joy Of Creating A Pandemic Art Island in Minecraft
People play Minecraft for all sorts of reasons. Hannah Jenkins uses it to recreate large scale, real-world artworks.
The new resurgence in tablet art
Cheap and accessible, tablet art is trending thanks to lockdowns and COVID.
How games can become our greatest artform
At his recent keynote at Melbourne International Games Week, Albert Chessa argued that there was a way for games to…
Introducing GamesHub: a new Australian voice in video games
GamesHub is a new Australian video game publication, with approachable coverage from experts, and new fresh perspectives.
Palestine and guerrilla memorials in the digital age
Lujayn Hourani considers the effectiveness of the game-like temporal memorial, Re: Visit Palestine, in tandem with their own personal memories.