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Global report takes pulse on Creative Industries

How does Australia’s view of Creative Industries fit with UNCTAD – the World Congress on Creative Economy’s view?


Is tech changing the legacy of theatremakers?

While some remain sceptical of live-streaming and digital theatre, that documentation can become invaluable for next generation theatremakers dealing with…


Automated plagiarism: Furore over ‘computer’ winning art prize

Turf wars between artists and AI generators - a topic that is the tip of an iceberg worthy of a…

Evasion Score II (Domestic Security), 2021. Image: Roslyn Orlando

Digital intimacies and echoes in space

Roslyn Orlando's work explores connection and togetherness in the digital realm.


Festival that makes the digital a physical experience

BLEED ‘22 stages its second iteration in a hybrid model to examine what digital works can teach us about physical…

Ron Mueck AR project on iphone outside NGV

Discover ‘invisible’ AR art around Melbourne

AR is a great way to have interactive art experiences, without the worries of a pandemic.


Curator, gallerist and educator: a platform for decentralised art

The Web3.0 art space is far from being a decentralised utopia. ArtsHub examines the role that Culture Vault plays in…


Digital activation the focus at regional arts centre

Recently opened in March, Singleton Arts and Cultural Centre receives ‘future-focused’ investment to up its digital offerings.


Gaze and gesture: the power of moving portraits

An Adelaide-exclusive exhibition of Robert Wilson’s video portraits explores the movement that lies in stillness.

A hand silhouetted against smoke and gum tree leaves.

Some practical steps to truth-telling in museums

Calls for First Nations truth-telling are growing louder in Australian politics. What does that look like within the museum sector?

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