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Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Aboriginal Art Centre Manager

Working remotely on Country has its challenges, but also its rewards. Bryce Hartnett of Keringke Arts spoke with ArtsHub about…

Don't be the world's best-kept secret. Image: Shutterstock.
Career Advice

Creatives: try the Know, Like, Trust framework for success

When building work contacts, why not try an approach that champions both strategy and humanity?


From emerging to mid-career: Advice from artists

Building on the momentum is important, but so is being patient, developing self-worth and grounding your practice for a sustainable…

Career Advice

Tips for engaging an independent producer (from the archives)

Independent artists sometimes have only a vague sense of how working with a producer might benefit them - or even…

Three yellow balloons, with two having smiley faces
Career Advice

A cure for toxic positivity

What does a positive workplace look like? Beyond the motivational posters, lunchtime yoga, we spoke to two experts about toxic…

Career Advice

Building a career in comedy

Four comedians talk to ArtsHub about the challenges and triumphs of building a career in this competitive industry.

Career Advice

Exit interview: Gallerist Brenda May

After nearly 40-years in the gallery biz, across five different iterations and spaces, Sydney gallerist Brenda May calls it a…

Man laying in art gallery with dog.

What I learnt over my 15 years as a gallerist

Moving to Australia with no network of artists or collectors, Dominik Mersch says that sharing stories has been the key…

Rough stone steps lead a risky path across a fast-flowing stream.
Career Advice

Going it alone: taking your next step as a creative entrepreneur

Going it alone as a freelancer can suit some creatives, but being prepared is essential for success.

computer monitor with face - How to apply for a job in games

How to apply for a job in games (and what not to do)

Applying for a job in the games industry is a daunting prospect for aspiring developers. Here is a stack of…

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