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'First Casualty' and Australian Drama

Christopher Johnston's play should be the theatre event of the year, with a long tour ahead of it, argues Julian…


Whitlam 50 years on: art, democracy and the public good

It's been 50 years since Gough Whitlam formed government in December 1972; how does his legacy impact on Australian arts…


National Cultural Policy needs a Music Australia agency: Greens

A national peak body for contemporary music could help grow the sector at home and abroad.

Parliament House Canberra

How do we talk to politicians when they are not present?

Scheduled to discuss ‘Where to from here?’ at the Creative Regions National Summit, Arts Minister Tony Burke went AWOL

Opinions & Analysis

Recognise Artists as Workers petition gains over 5800 signatures

Artists Tony Albert, Abdul Abdullah and Joan Ross join 5,800 signatures on NAVA's petition to Recognise Artists as Workers.


National Cultural Policy: Peak bodies urge PM to support ‘full investment’

20 organisations from multiple sectors have signed a letter to the PM urging a whole of government approach to the…

politician Paul Fletcher delivering a speech
Opinions & Analysis

National Cultural Plan: A big deal or a diversion?

Shadow Arts Minister Paul Fletcher questions governments focus on a National Cultural Policy, implying it has been said before.

A photo of an old grain silo which is painted with three three Clydesdale horses captured mid-gallop.
Opinions & Analysis

Creating a big picture approach to cultural policy: looking outside the arts

How best to move beyond the arts towards a broader cultural policy? Esther Anatolitis looks at some of the non-arts…


National cultural policy a chance for radical rethink

A robust arts policy is a first step in developing an expansive, nationally-appropriate cultural policy, argue Julianne Schultz AM, Julian…

A performer in an elaborate gown and collar stands on a spotlit plinth in a darkened room, surrounded by audience members sitting on the floor.
Opinions & Analysis

How to make a National Cultural Policy submission (and why you should)

Submissions to the National Cultural Policy consultation don’t have to be complex; what’s important is that they’re made in large…

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