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Design thinking for social media

Design thinking applies creativity not just to your program but also to the way you do business, especially in online…


How to capture differently-abled audiences

Artists and companies looking to grow their audiences would do well to look towards people with a disability, who are…


Cheap tickets offer lasting value

Discounted tickets for students and young people are an industry norm – but where’s the proof they really help grow…


Inspirational conference returns for arts professionals

Last year's inaugural ArtsHub conference was so successful, subscribers have demanded a regular event.


How to generate return audiences

Lost audiences cost five times more to re-engage than it costs to retain them so get retention right.


Arts organisations behind the times in marketing

A study of UK arts businesses shows most are failing to take advantage of modern technology to market their businesses…


Top 3 mistakes arts organisations make in marketing

Despite decades of investment in audience development and the current enthusiasm for all things data, arts organisations still aren’t getting…


Tweeting for tickets

Malthouse Theatre is offering social media addicts free tickets to a current production that celebrates and satirises YouTube.

Opinions & Analysis

A cultural pathway for Adelaide

The excitement of 'Mad March' in Adelaide could last all year with clever activation of the city's infrastructure.


Don't love me, Tinder, just come to my show

Artists and performers are using guerrilla marketing tactics to find audiences among those searching for love on online dating platforms…

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