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The ACMF music program at Cobham Youth Justice Centre NSW. Photo: Supplied. Two people in red polo shirts sitting outside on a bench. One is holding a guitar with the head down while the other appears to be teaching.

How music in youth detention can create new futures

Music allows incarcerated youth with opportunities to redefine themselves from young offenders to young artists, writes Alexis Anja Kallio.

AFCM. Under an outside marquee a white man with glasses and a grey suit plays a violin from behind a music stand. There are microphones on stands. Behind him are seated a female and a male violinist resting.

Australian Festival of Chamber Music offers an impressive and diverse 2024 program

Jack Liebeck’s third Townsville festival cements his reputation as one of its most exciting artistic directors.

Australian country music has a complex history. Image is an older Aboriginal woman sitting in front of a microphone. A green plastic chair is behind her.

Does Australian country music have a race problem?

Thanks to Beyoncé, country music is cool again. But does Australia suffer from the same racial barriers as the US?

audience at music festival

Australian music festivals are increasingly affected by climate change

Is the industry doing enough to mitigate the impact of climate change on music festivals?

Emma Dean, a Brisbane artist, plays the piano and sings in the microphone. She and other artists compete with international star Taylor Swift.

Is Taylor Swift a good role model for Australian artists?

Taylor Swift has changed everything about the music industry. But where does that leave Aussie artists?


Professional choral music ensemble wins new audiences in Brisbane

One Equal Music’s 2024 season offers a diverse repertoire of early and contemporary vocal music.

Photo: Eric Nopanen, Unsplash. Woman lying on the ground near grey radio.

Australian independent music, where is it?

How can we listen to more independent Australian music, and where can artists share their tracks?

live music: a male musician playing the drums in darkened bright blue light on a small stage.

More music venues at risk as insurance cost hikes continue

Escalating insurance cost pressures are pushing the independent live music scene to a new tipping point.

Queensland Music Festival Music Trails Program

Queensland Music Festival expanding, recommiting to regional engagement

With new funding and programming, the festival dramatically reinvented itself during COVID.

Publicity image for Future D. Fidel's 'La Belle Epoque' at Theatre Works. Photo: Morgan Roberts. A black man is seen emerging from the shadows with a large chain necklace and what appears to be a floating crown above his head.

What’s in store in 2024 for the performing arts (part five)

From indie theatre to choral masterpieces, 2024 has much to offer in the performing arts.

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