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Man with children looking a sculpture of pregnant woman in gallery. Ron Mueck

Does spend equal impact?

Taking the pulse on the National Gallery’s Collection share.

First Nations woman in red dress standing in gallery space with Torres Strait Island art. Gail Mabo.

In conversation: Gail Mabo on curating and legacy

Dancer cum choreographer cum artist, Gail Mabo turns her hand to curating as a way to share culture.

Add-on. Gallery space with blue walls and carpet and colourful abstract artworks. Desmond Lazaro.

Role of the add-on exhibition

Within today’s museum environment some exhibitions are not entirely ‘PC’ (politically correct). We look at the role of the ‘add-on’…

Hamilton Gallery Director Joshua White next to 'Lucretia' by Artemisia Gentileschi, installation view in Emerging From Darkness: Faith, Emotion and The Body in the Baroque at Hamilton Gallery. Photo: Madi Whyte. A figure with short brown hair, glasses and brown beard wearing a collared shirt and blazer stands next to a large painting depicting a women, half nude, sitting at the edge of her bed and gazing up.

Regional exclusive Baroque exhibition signals vision, drive and potential

Hamilton Gallery’s world-class Baroque exhibition, 'Emerging From Darkness', reveals much about the vision and ambition of regional cultural tourism with…

Eight Art Collective WA artists ranging in age from around sixty to eighty, posing for a photo in front of their work in a gallery space.

Ten years on, a gallery, but not a gallery, still going its own way

Faced with a collapsing local gallery scene, a group of WA artists rewrote the rule book on how their work…

Teal coloured promotional sign with word MÃŒNH in bold capital letters, in front of trees.

Complicating Vietnamese diaspora stories for the better

A look into how the ‘MÌNH’ exhibition challenges notions of a monolithic Vietnamese identity through art and writing.


Blockbuster survey of Victorian art and design returns a decade on

Melbourne Now 2023 will showcase new and exciting works by local artists and designers working across Victoria today.

Couple looking at Andy Warhol painting in gallery

Don't underestimate the cold call: behind HOTA's Pop exhibition

A clear coup, the billon-dollar Mugrabi Collection of Pop art comes to rest at the Gold Coast, in an Australian…


Sol LeWitt and enlivening artworks posthumously

A new exhibition enlivens the ephemeral work of Sol LeWitt, drawing new connections for new audiences.


Sidney Nolan’s never-before-seen Auschwitz paintings

Revealing works made by iconic painter Sidney Nolan that document the Holocaust, and impacted the rest of his career.

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