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Program on offer to students is no Con

First tertiary music program of its kind in Australia has been developed by the University of Sydney


Overdraw: A graffiti funding hoax

Graffiti artist CDH has hoaxed the City of Melbourne, with a grant application intended to parody their public art program.…


Former child soldier receives inaugural arts scholarship

The Arts & Cultural Development Scholarship for Refugee Youth was made possible by a generous bequest.

Opinions & Analysis

Enabling learning for art gallery visitors

Audiences need to feel safe to have their ideas disrupted if they are to learn in an art gallery.


Speaking in Shades of Black

Aboriginal culture is being reframed through a new appreciation of Indigenous language.


$42.5 million for VCA redevelopment as part of arts precinct blueprint

The redevelopment is set to be the largest in the VCA’s history and will provide studios and performance and exhibition…


ArtsReady brokers employment partnerships

ArtsReady supports partner employers to create training opportunities for young people making a start in the arts and creative industries.


ArtsReady and OzCo partner on new traineeships

The Australia Council is one of the first organisations to sign on as a partner in the ArtsReady program of…


Eben Love is the first ever ArtsReady Indigenous trainee

19 year-old Eben Love turned volunteering into a vocation in January when he became the nation’s first Indigenous ArtsReady trainee.


ArtsReady trainees are paid to learn on the job

Young people keen to work in support and service roles in the creative sector can be paid to work and…

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