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A son’s grief inspires Griffin premiere

Playwright Campion Decent grapples with love and loss in a new play sparked by the death of his parents.


Dark Voyager

John Misto’s latest play is cluttered with so many fantastical and possibly true revelations they all fall over each other.


Book of Days

Book of Days is a play which works its way under the skin, embroiling the audience in the dramas and…


Mr Kolpert

What you see is what you get, and the main selling point here is shock value.


Tartuffe: The Hypocrite

Classical rhyming couplets reforged into a profane Aussie vernacular could be a disaster, but Fleming's production triumphs.


Will Sydney see a floating Sphinx in 2015?

Verdi’s Egyptian opera Aida has been announced as the next instalment in the Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour program.


Utzon Music Series: Bo Skovhus and Simone Young

Young was a colourful presence on the piano, Skovhus hit the top of his range with sweet melancholy.


Musica Viva: Choir of King's College, Cambridge

Director Stephen Cleobury's tight control brought forth the colours and textures of each piece, as well as all the lines.


Don Giovanni

Music and musicians are supreme but world-renowned director David McVicar’s gothic production drains the show of energy.



Kip Williams' vision transcends professional inexperience, the gimmick of the performance venue and Hugo Weaving’s star power.

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