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How art changes lives

Becoming an artist can be a liberation, a catharsis, a source of meaning, life satisfaction or existential peace.


School of Life to open in Melbourne

Alain de Botton's The School of Life will have its first international base in Melbourne, Australia in January 2013.


UK college to offer X Factor auditions course

Bishop Auckland College in the UK has unveiled a new course which will teach students how to prepare for auditions…


Mentoring Skills and Development

This category is for projects which increase skills development in the areas of songwriting, arrangement, performance, production, administration, management and…


School Dance

This Eighties-inspired outsider story transports us to a world of schoolyard politics, crushes, faux pas and geeky dancing.


Projects - Indigenous Mentorships Program - Arts Organisations

This grant from the Australia Council is for arts organisations that supports and/or brokers intensive training, creative residencies or strategic…


Mother of 88 paints for school fees

An artist, mother and childcare worker painted for 72 hours straight to raise money for the 88 children in her…


Leading artists announced as key tutors for NIDA Open 2013

NIDA Open has announced entertainment industry leaders joining the team of tutors for this summer’s activities.


Central Queensland Dancers Company Summer Courses

Classes for all levels, workshops and an information session about international auditions are all in the mix for the Central…


Penrith Regional Gallery open to tertiary students

Tertiary students are welcome to use the resources of the Penrith Regional Gallery for research, internships, volunteer work and as…

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