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entry-level arts jobs. Photo: Jakob Owens, Unsplash. A figure stands in the centre of a dark indoor space with a photography set-up. Lets are shining on him and people are sorting out technical things with a camera.
Career Advice

10 entry-level arts jobs to consider (part 2)

In part 2, ArtsHub suggests administrative as well as hands-on roles that emerging arts professionals can consider.

Compassion for our own Artist's Way.

The Artist's Way Week 9: Recovering a sense of compassion

Procrastination is usually just fear dressed up. This week we heal the shame of past failures and learn how to…

Man and woman sitting on floor looking at computer

This week's arts news and trending topics

We break it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

Photo: Jon Tyson, Unsplash. A pair of black shoes standing on top of a yellow circle spray painted onto the concrete.
Career Advice

10 entry-level arts jobs to consider (part 1)

In part 1, ArtsHub has selected five jobs that are accessible to emerging arts professionals and suggests things to look…

So You Want My Arts Job, Illusionist Anthony Street. Dance.

So you want my arts job: Illusionist

From world-renowned dancer to grand illusionist, Anthony Street talks to ArtsHub about his career in stagecraft.

The Artist's Way strength

The Artist's Way Week 8: Recovering a sense of strength

This week we look at mourning and surviving creative loss and building the muscles of resilience.

man reading news while waiting for train. Arts news

This week's arts news and trending topics

We break it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.


The Artist's Way Week 7: Recovering a sense of connection

What's stopping you from hearing the voice of inspiration? This week we look at perfectionism, jealousy and risk-aversion, and how…

AGNSW Time-based Art Conservator, Lisa Mansfield. Photo: Supplied. A middle-aged figure with a curly pixie cut, bright smile, wearing a black shirt and white dots, rendered in black and white against a dark blue solid colour background. The text ‘so you want my arts job?’ is in bold white font to their left.
Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Time-Based Art Conservator

AGNSW Time-Based Art Conservator, Lisa Mansfield, shares how they embarked on this career, its most exciting aspects and why digital…

Group at table reading laptop. Arts news.

This week's arts news and trending topics

We break it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

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