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Man and woman sitting on ground back to back looking at their phones. Arts news.

This week's arts news and trending topics

We break it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

Photo: SHVETS production, Pexels.
Career Advice

Many arts organisations are seeking communications coordinators – what skills do you actually need?

More than what the job title may suggest, communications coordinators require a vast array of responsibilities and skills, and those…

pitching tips. Image is a headless person in a tan jumper sitting at a laptop computer typing.
Career Advice

5 pitching tips for freelance writers

How do you pitch your story ideas in the most efficient way possible and with the greatest chance of success?

Avoid these mistakes to ensure you get the most out of tax time. Photo: Sam Lion, Unsplash. A little dog wearing a yellow striped tie with a pair of glasses resting on its nose.
Career Advice

What not to do at tax time

Avoid making these four mistakes to ensure a smooth tax time.

Photo: Eric Nopanen, Unsplash. Woman lying on the ground near grey radio.

This week's arts news and trending topics

We break it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

Career Advice

Lesser known tax deductions for creative freelancers

What are some of the tax deductions creatives can and can't claim?

Mat Voyce. Photo: Supplied. The side profile of a man with curly brown hair, wearing a nike sweatshirt and smiling. There are graphic illustrations surrounding him, with the words 'so you want my arts job?'
Career Advice

So you want my arts job: 2D Type Artist

Ever wondered how words can convey emotions through design and animation? UK-based Mat Voyce shares his insights on building a…

A young man sitting in a music recording studio surrounded by sound equipment.

What's changed for artists’ incomes? Throsby-led research paints harsh view

Findings from Creative Australia’s latest six-yearly demographic research into the working lives of artists reveals some concerning trends.

Suhanya Raffel, Museum Director, M+. Photo: Winnie Yeung @ Visual Voices. Image: Courtesy M+, Hong Kong. Raffel against a green tiled architectural background. She is a middle-aged woman with long black and grey hair, wearing red lipstick and smiling at the camera. She is dressed in a black blazer with a white flower brooch.

Building a contemporary museum: learnings with Suhanya Raffel

From studying art history in Sydney to helming the Asia Pacific Triennial in Queensland and now leading Hong Kong’s M+,…

entry-level arts jobs. Photo: Jakob Owens, Unsplash. A figure stands in the centre of a dark indoor space with a photography set-up. Lets are shining on him and people are sorting out technical things with a camera.
Career Advice

10 entry-level arts jobs to consider (part 2)

In part 2, ArtsHub suggests administrative as well as hands-on roles that emerging arts professionals can consider.

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