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Mary McGillivray and Nik Wyness share their insights on video content success. Photo: Supplied. McGillivray is a young Caucasian woman with short red hair, wearing a black sleeveless top and sitting inside a study space with yellow walls. Wyness is a middle-aged Caucasian man wearing a high-collared coat and glasses.

Nine dos and don’ts of video content in the arts

‘Humour is the best way’, ‘be clear about your niche’, 'don’t try to be down with the kids’, plus more…

UQ is planning to cut its Museum Studies program. Image is an exterior shot of the sandstone façade of Queensland university, behind some trees, in long shot against a blue sky with scudding clouds.

UQ's decision to cut Museum Studies spells disaster

The University of Queensland is proposing cuts to its Museum Studies programs, with potential effects felt across the country.

Faith in the Artist's Way

The Artist's Way Week 12: Recovering a sense of faith

Creativity requires profound trust. We renew our commitment to the tools as we finish the program.

Old time black and white image of four men lying in the forest, one has a pipe, another has leaves around his hat. Museum of Brisbane.

A strong community focus takes art to new places in Brisbane

Ten months into her role as Director of Museum of Brisbane, Zoe Graham is driving an innovative program that places…

Autonomy in The Artist's Way. A woman wearing a pink hat sits on a swing facing away from the camera in the early morning light.

The Artist's Way Week 11: Recovering a sense of autonomy

This week we work on acceptance of ourselves and handling success without self-sabotage.

A young man sitting in a music recording studio surrounded by sound equipment.

What's changed for artists’ incomes? Throsby-led research paints harsh view

Findings from Creative Australia’s latest six-yearly demographic research into the working lives of artists reveals some concerning trends.

The Artist's Way self-protection. image is a man in a yellow bee keeper's costume carrying an insert from a hive.

The Artist's Way Week 10: Recovering a sense of self-protection

What are the perils and toxic patterns we keep encountering on the path towards greater creativity? This week we learn…

a brightly coloured photograph of #D block lettering that spells: "You are" in white letters, and "You" in dark red letters.

Is the secret of arts marketing really to 'know thyself'?

A recent international study into arts marketing practices casts light on how an organisation’s core values play a part in…

Compassion for our own Artist's Way.

The Artist's Way Week 9: Recovering a sense of compassion

Procrastination is usually just fear dressed up. This week we heal the shame of past failures, learn how to forgive…

The Artist's Way strength

The Artist's Way Week 8: Recovering a sense of strength

This week we look at mourning and surviving creative loss and building the muscles of resilience.

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