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Hamilton Gallery Director Joshua White next to 'Lucretia' by Artemisia Gentileschi, installation view in Emerging From Darkness: Faith, Emotion and The Body in the Baroque at Hamilton Gallery. Photo: Madi Whyte. A figure with short brown hair, glasses and brown beard wearing a collared shirt and blazer stands next to a large painting depicting a women, half nude, sitting at the edge of her bed and gazing up.

Regional exclusive Baroque exhibition signals vision, drive and potential

Hamilton Gallery’s world-class Baroque exhibition, 'Emerging From Darkness', reveals much about the vision and ambition of regional cultural tourism with…


New Indigenous gallery opens with repatriated William Barak works

State Library Victoria's new Indigenous gallery is designed to support the voices and stories of Indigenous Victorians and connect visitors…

Donna Marcus mesmerises audiences with the mass and variety of vintage cookware she collected, sorted and assembled. 'Radiate' installation view at HOTA. Photo: ArtsHub. Red, blue and silver wall sculptures made of aluminium parts and arranged in different patterns arranged on a white wall.

Exhibition review: Donna Marcus, Radiate, HOTA

An exhibition that reflects the integral role women have played in feeding the growth of Australia as a nation since…

Artspace. historical building photographed at dusk with banner on facade

A new era for Artspace begins

With a secured future, Artspace reopens its Woolloomooloo space after a significant redevelopment, and fuses history and memory with contemporary…

‘Nadine Christensen: Around’, installation view at Buxton Contemporary. Photo: ArtsHub.

Exhibition review: Nadine Christensen, Buxton Contemporary

This major survey exhibition prompts viewers to be active and rewards them with a joyous experience positioned within a deeply…

'ARA DOLATIAN: Heavenly Bodies' installation view at James Makin Gallery. Photo: Ivana Smiljanic. Three small sculptures on plinths inside a white gallery space. Each sculpture is gold and blue with towering shapes.

Exhibition review: Heavenly Bodies, James Makin Gallery

The ceramicist turns our attention to the vibrancy of ancient artefacts and repositions them in our contemporary context.

Carriageworks. industrial venue as art gallery

Is Carriageworks cutting its visual arts programming?

After a prolonged financial struggle, Carriageworks is again looking at staff redundancies and reduced programming. But CEO Fergus Linehan assures…

Griffith. Exterior view of gallery at night

Potential Griffith University Art Museum closure

The future of Griffith University Art Museum is uncertain as pressures for faculty expansion have led to a rethink of…

Kenny Pittock, Neapolitan Scoop, Synthetic Polymer Paint on kiln Fired ceramic, 2023. Image supplied.

Question the Space: a playful invitation to look, think and connect with art

A colourful exhibition of works by 11 Australian and international artists invites audiences to look beyond the white cube and…

Paul Knight. Image is a large empty gallery save for one photographic image on a wall. There are different yellow planes jutting out from the walls.

Exhibition review: Paul Knight: L'ombre de ton ombre, MUMA

Paul Knight’s solo exhibition brings into focus the role of chance in human connection.

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