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Career. headshot photos of eight different arts professionals
Career Advice

29 jobs to consider for a career change in 2024

Whether you have visions of being in the spotlight, leading from behind the scenes or going out on your own,…

Filmmaking student Felix Wilkins (far right) and two friends sit on a couch and can be seen through a video camera screen in the foreground.
Education & Student News

Why I'm studying... Diploma of Screen and Media

Aspiring filmmaker Felix Wilkins chose to study close to home at Collarts in Melbourne. He says meeting fellow students is…

David Hannam

Screenwriter David Hannam shares tips for would-be TV writers

If TV is entering its 'post-Golden Era' there are still some dos and don'ts to keep you on the right…

Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Intimacy Coordinator

With wealth of experience in theatre and advocacy, Cessalee Stovall shares why she took the path to become an Intimacy…

Wylde Flowers Conscious Voice over acting Casting
Career Advice

Conscious casting in the world of voiceover acting

While the stage and screen industries are shifting towards a colour-conscious casting culture, the voiceover world is only just catching…

Career Advice

50 ways to conquer creative self-doubt

From cartoon voices to household habits, it's extraordinary what creative people do to keep their confidence up.

Career Advice

8 steps to rewrite your bio

A well-written bio does more than list your accomplishments. It makes readers curious.

Career Advice

Why I did a Reality TV show for my arts practice

The only Australian in the Netflix series Blown Away, we talk to Tegan Hamilton on the wins, and pains, of…

Megan Herbert, illustrator, writer, cartoonist and live-drawer
Career Advice

How portfolio careers can lead to happiness

Screenwriter, cartoonist and illustrator Megan Herbert used to be torn between artforms, but now embraces her portfolio career.

Career Advice

Hit centre stage with online auditions

Nailing the setup and a little mental prep can relieve some of the stress of auditioning at home.

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