The Conversation

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pay rise. Over a business desk one hand passes a clipboard to someone else's hand.
Career Advice

How to succeed when negotiating a new salary or a pay rise

When negotiating for a pay rise, always take the time to consider the other party's situation and capabilities.

A dynamic photo of a two-piece punk band playing live. A dark haired man in a black t-shirt plays the guitar as he sings into a microphone; behind him a woman plays drums.

Australian musicians in dire straits yet Triple J won’t shift its commercial focus

Why does the taxpayer-funded Triple J consistently play commercially oriented pop at drive time instead of Australian indie?

A robot uses its mechanical fingers to play the keyboard.

AI doesn’t mean human-made music is doomed. Here’s why

Human music-making isn’t going anywhere, argues the University of Melbourne's Alexander Crooke.

Woman dressed in black seated on floor playing black guitar.

The arts are being sidelined in the cost of living crisis

It’s time we stopped framing the arts as a luxury instead of a human right threatened by the cost of living…

The ACMF music program at Cobham Youth Justice Centre NSW. Photo: Supplied. Two people in red polo shirts sitting outside on a bench. One is holding a guitar with the head down while the other appears to be teaching.

How music in youth detention can create new futures

Music allows incarcerated youth with opportunities to redefine themselves from young offenders to young artists, writes Alexis Anja Kallio.

Girl holding up drawing of face on cardboard, white background. Mental Health. Art therapy.

Lost for words? Research shows art therapy brings benefits for mental health

Studies suggest art therapy could support people with a range of health conditions.

audience at music festival

Australian music festivals are increasingly affected by climate change

Is the industry doing enough to mitigate the impact of climate change on music festivals?

First Nations garments. Image is a row of scarves hanging down and depicting kitsch images of Aboriginal people and culture.

How First Nations artists are reclaiming colonial objects and celebrating culture through garments

While 'Aboriginalia' and 'Koori Kitsch' are popular terms, 'First Nations garmenting' is an emerging trend adopted by many artists whose…

job interview. Three women at a desk, two with their backs to the camera, one on the other side being interviewed.
Career Advice

6 questions you should be ready to answer to smash that job interview

Timothy Colin Bednall details some of the most commonly asked job interview questions and how best to answer them.

Photo: Toa Heftiba on Unsplash. Sun shines through the window of a streetside cafe. A cup of coffee, phone, sunglasses and a notebook is spread open on a wooden table.
Career Advice

3 steps to get therapeutic benefits from writing about art

Patrick Wright researched the therapeutic qualities of writing about art and suggests three steps for trying it yourself.

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