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Long open road in outback Australia. Tourism.
Opinions & Analysis

Surprises as most cultural Australian cities (per capita) revealed

Recent data shows that regional cities offer top cultural experiences.

Image is an underwater photo depicting a scuba-diver rising through a deep blue ocean towards the sunlit waters above.

Understanding Create NSW's funding reframe

Your questions answered about Create NSW rejigged funding model.

A jumbo jet takes off from a brightly lit runway at night, semi-silhouetted against the evening sky.

On the move: latest arts sector appointments

An Australian heads to Ohio, swapping the AGSA for The University of Melbourne, and more arts comings and goings.

woman in hi-vis vest standing inside sculpture. Lindy Lee

How do you move a 13-tonne sculpture?

Lindy Lee's enormous $14M sculpture ‘Ouroboros’ makes its way to Canberra with a police escort across three states.

Man and woman sitting on ground back to back looking at their phones. Arts news.

This week's arts news and trending topics

We break it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

Two people hold up a large textile work in an outdoor setting.

Craft as a universal language: IOTA 2024 reveals lead artists and theme

The Indian Ocean Craft Triennial returns for its second WA edition to channel the diversity and communicative powers of craft.

A collection of five picture books that cover flora and fauna themes.

Nature as muse in children's literature: 2024 award shortlists

Discover the writers and illustrators nominated for the Environmental and Karajia Awards for Children's Literature.

A panel of three photos. An Indigenous woman in a black jacket looking over her shoulder, an Asian man in a black shirt, white t-shirt and glasses and an Asian woman wearing a maroon top.

Literary orgs partner to present new festival

The inaugural Liminal Festival will take place in August at the Wheeler Centre, offering both in-person and online events.

A performer at Spirit of Welcome Community Festival 2023. Photo: Damon AMB. A woman with long brown hair wearing a white top with floral embroidery singing at the front of a seated crowd.

Empowering refugee artists through music and culture

Refugee artists performing at the Spirit of Welcome Community Festival on 16 June will be renumerated at industry rates.

Photo: Markus Spiske, Unsplash. A brightly-lit space with artwork displays on walls and visitors walking about.

Art Money pulls back in economic squeeze

Art Money, the interest-free financing platform for artwork purchases, has made the difficult decision to pause operations due to capital…

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