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So You Want My Arts Job, Illusionist Anthony Street. Dance.

So you want my arts job: Illusionist

From world-renowned dancer to grand illusionist, Anthony Street talks to ArtsHub about his career in stagecraft.

Image is a book flying through the air with its spine down and the pages flapping open. literary house. Vitagraph.

A vital new independent literary house

Vitagraph is a new artist-led literary organisation that's just released its debut journal.

First Nations woman in red dress standing in gallery space with Torres Strait Island art. Gail Mabo.

In conversation: Gail Mabo on curating and legacy

Dancer cum choreographer cum artist, Gail Mabo turns her hand to curating as a way to share culture.

Reading. On the left is an headshot of a smiling middle-aged woman with a white collared jumper and a white/blonde bob with a fringe. On the right is a book cover with the title Angle of Fire, and an illustration of a person in a hospital bed with a plaster cast on their leg and a breathing mask. Another person is falling/flying downwards in pyjamas. And a third can be seen from behind sitting in a seat at the bottom of the frame.

Why reading can help kids impacted by COVID-era school closures

Teaching children resilience through books.

Black and white photo of a woman with curly hair and glasses wearing a black dress. Stella Day Out.

Stella's Big Day Out

The next stop for Stella's free one-day festival is Hobart.

So you want my arts job. Museum Shipkeeper.

So you want my arts job: Museum Shipkeeper

The gallery and museum sector is home to some of the most specialised jobs. ArtsHub takes a look at one…


So you want my arts job: Design and Colour Consultant

Sally Evans walks ArtsHub through this specialised area of Interior Design.

Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Games Curator

The gaming sector is booming, so we take a look at what it means to be a Games Curator for…

so you want my arts job. Image is orange background with a black and white headshot of a woman with shoulder length wavy hair looking up at the camera.
Career Advice

So you want my arts job: physical comedy and clown teacher

Drawing from over 20 years' experience, Clare Bartholomew divulges what it means to be a physical comedy and clown teacher.

Patrick. Image is of a table filled with open books covered in shadows and strips of light.

Publishing trends from US perspective

Topical literary trends from a US perspective.

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