Paintings, drawings and motorbike burnouts

Andy Quilty’s new exhibition, ‘Dilligaf’, explores his experiences of growing up in one of the most ‘bogan’ towns in Australia.
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Image: Burn out don’t fade away #1 by Andy Quilty. Dry point, acrylic and aerosol on rag paper, 38 x 55.5cm.

The 32-year-old artist says he’s accustomed to seeing his hometown of Rockingham, Western Australia, make the top five in polls about the most bogan place in the country.

There Quilty found the name for his latest exhibition long before he created his pieces. Dilligaf stands for the phrase, ‘Do I look like I give a fuck?’

The artist, who has won a number of prizes including the City of South Perth Emerging Artist Award, saw the acronym on bumper stickers and t-shirts: ‘I just saw it everywhere,’ he said. It was also inspired by a song of the same name by comic songwriter Kevin Bloody Wilson, known for his particularly ochre style.

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Annie Louey
About the Author
Annie Louey is a Melbourne-based stand-up comedian and third-year student journalist from Monash University. She enjoys cycling and attending all kinds of festivals.