$3 million needed to save Forum Theatre precinct

Many are holding out hopes that a last minute cash injection can stop a Sydney arts venue falling by the wayside.
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Image: The performance hall seating within the precinct’s theatre. 

The Forum Theatre precinct in Leichhardt, in Sydney’s inner west, is in danger of becoming a childcare centre if the Actors Centre Australia (ACA) is unable to raise the $3 million it needs to keep facility running as a performing arts hub.

Italian Forum Limited (IFL), the not for profit company that owns the buildings and surrounds, has gone into receivership and is selling off its assets. Currently a childcare centre is leading the bidding process, which closes at 5pm Tuesday 26 November, at which point the administrators will announce the winning bidder. 

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Sarah Adams
About the Author
Sarah Adams is a media, film and television junkie. She is the former deputy editor of ArtsHub Australia and now works in digital communications - telling research stories across multiple platforms - in the higher education sector. Follow her @sezadams