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Disturbing trend damaging actors' mental health
Forced to wait up to four months to hear the outcome of an audition, actors' mental health is regularly suffering.

How method acting could empower women
Natalie Portman says method acting is a ‘luxury women can’t afford’ – but new research shows how it can empower…

Q&A: Craig Donarski on transforming powerhouse venues
From one industrial arts site to another, Craig Donarski reflects on his time at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, and his…

Patrick Gunasekera and Georgi Ivers: two artists and their journeys in crip time
Care can come in the form of time, patience, flexibility and community engagement in a world that still poses so…

‘Devastating’ cuts to NSW screen budget have been reversed
Cuts to the Made in NSW program and PDV rebate have been reversed by the NSW Government.

A look at the immersive shift in Australia's cultural sector and how to fund it
REMIX Summit 2023 in Perth delved into "The Immersive Revolution" and what this could mean for funding models in Australia.

What film festivals are on this year? Australian Film Festivals Guide 2025
From MIFF to BIFF, this is the ultimate 2025 guide to Australian Film Festivals.

Ageism, sexism and classism: 7 examples of bias in AI-generated images
Creating images has never been simpler, but without intervention, AI generators reproduce bias and deepen inequalities.

Bridging the arts/science divide with stories for kids with autism
Dr Rina Fu's cartoon series helps bring the world of science, technology and art to ALL students.

Students learn the tricks and traps of running a film festival
In 12 short weeks, RMIT media students put together a film festival as part of their degree. The theme is…