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Two figures stand on a dark stage, one is wearing a suit jacket and very close to the camera with only the upper body visible. Another stands further back, with curly black hair, black clothing and a solemn expression.

Theatre review: The Audition, Bunjil Place

Finely-crafted theatre laying bare the lived experience of refugees and asylum seekers.

Sky Ferreira. Photo: Patrik Sandberg. A young Caucasian woman with long blonde curls and a shiny silver dress, turned side-ways towards the viewer with a cool look and bold red lipstick.

Concert review: Sky Ferreira, RISING Festival, The Forum

US alt-pop singer-songwriter Sky Ferreira appeared too cool for her own good at her only RISING performance.


Theatre review: Blackout Songs, Red Stitch Actors' Theatre

A two-handler about alcoholism and memory.


Performance review: Romeo & Juliet Suite, Sydney Opera House

Depending on which night you attend, the roles of Rome and Juliet will be played by three separate couples.

RISING. Against a burning sun going down two figures that look like prehistoric monsters or dinosaurs face off. But are they just performers in flowing costumes?

Performance review: ANITO, RISING Festival, Arts House

Costume, puppetry, drag, dance and experimental electronic music combine to interrogate colonial wrongs.


Theatre review: Julia, Southbank Theatre

The life and times of Australia's only female Prime Minister to date.

RISING: A group of three First Peoples and a Caucasian man performing in a rock band with an arch of stage lights behind them. Two are playing guitars, the lead singer is standing on a packing case and one is waving drum sticks.

Performance reviews: RISING Festival, first weekend

RISING Festival is now off and running. Here is ArtsHub's round-up of the performing arts offerings on the first weekend.

Candide. Four singers lined up. In the middle are a man in blue shirt and shorts with red braces and a woman in a green strappy 1950s type house dress with a little apron. On either side are two women - one all in orange, including her glasses frames and a wig, and the other the same but in yellow.

Opera review: Candide, Her Majesty's Theatre

A joyous musical confection and a colourful celebration of self-discovery.


Performance review: FAKE, The Rechabite

This interactive exploration of our online 'realities' and our true selves proves a stirring journey.

The Word. On a dark stage a group of young people sit in a huddle. They wear shades of green and are turned to a young woman in the middle who is standing. Some of them point at her.

Theatre review: The Word, Abbotsford Convent

A youthful cast of 11 grapple with meaning and the power and absence of words.

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