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A black and white photograph of a woman with an old-fashioned megaphone silhouetted in profile against a white background.

This week’s arts news and trending topics

Our weekly wrap of the stories our readers loved and those you may have missed.

2024 First Nations Arts and Culture Awards recipients (l to r) Dean Brady, Tibian Wyles, Sara Prestwidge, Brenda Gifford, Uncle Badger Bates, Meleika Gresa. Photo: Supplied. A group of First Nations artists in front of a photo board with the Creative Australia logo and photos of First Nations performances.

Senior First Nations artists receive recognition for lifetime achievement

Uncle Badger Bates and Aunty Mabel Juli receive Red Ochre Award for Lifetime Achievement, while emerging First Nations excellence is…

BookPeople centenary. Image is piles and piles of books, filling the frame, some stacked horizontally and some vertically.

BookPeople marks its centenary year

The peak body for Australian booksellers celebrates a milestone birthday.

Esther Forest, ‘The Pet Shop’, 2023 single channel video with audio, on view at 2024 Hatched National Graduate Show at PICA. Photo: Courtesy of the artist. Still from a video work featuring a cartoonish figure on the phone in a room with blue and purple lighting, filled with posters of animals.

Which graduate artists have got their fingers on the pulse?

Over 20 graduate artists are showing the critical topics they have chosen to engage with at PICA’s 2024 Hatched: National…

Deaf Indigenous Dance Group dancers Leslie Footscray, Nathaniel Murray and others rehearsing in Cairns, 2021. Photo: Sean Davey. A black and white photo of First People dancers rehearsing in a room.

Deaf Indigenous Dance Group celebrates 27-year history at State Library

The Far North Queensland Deaf Indigenous Dance Group empowers d/Deaf First Nations artists through Culture and dance.

Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize People's Choice winning work 'Six is the loneliest number' by Jessica Murtagh. Photo: Supplied. Glass globes with intricately painted leaves in green, black and gold.

Opportunities and awards

Grants up to $50,000 for First Nations creatives, plus winners of NSW Premier's Literary Awards, finalists of 2024 NATSIAA, and…

Arts sector appointments. A dynamic photograph of waves rising and falling as they roll forward towards the unseen shore.

On the move: latest arts sector appointments

A new Chief Conductor, new Board members, and other arts sector comings and goings from around the country.

Handwriting. Typing. Image is a glass jar against a black background, filled with a variety of pens and pencils.

New research shows handwriting as important as typing for children

A hybrid of digital skills and traditional pen(cil) and paper is recommended for optimal learning.


100 Story Building has a new address in Melbourne's west

A new home in Melbourne's west for a creative writing centre for the young.

25th Biennale of Sydney Artistic Director, Hoor Al Qasimi. Photo: Dan Boud. A woman with light brown skin, gradient brown hair, wearing lipstick, a blue velvet blazer and smiling at the camera.

Hoor Al Qasimi to helm 25th Biennale of Sydney

Arab curator and President of the International Biennial Association, Hoor Al Qasimi says the 25th Biennale of Sydney will have…

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