From Annie to Emerald City: Riverside Theatres announce 2014 season

Two Williamsons, two Shakespeares; Riverside's 2014 season will have patrons seeing double.
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Image: Ursula Yovich stars in The Magic Hour at Riverside. 

Western Sydney’s premiere performing arts venue, Riverside Theatres, has unveiled an ambitious program of 17 productions in its 2014 Main Season, ranging from literary classics such as Richard III and 1984 through to hit musicals, circus, opera, and even a large-scale reworking of a much-loved Chinese legend.

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Richard Watts is ArtsHub's National Performing Arts Editor; he also presents the weekly program SmartArts on Three Triple R FM. Richard is a life member of the Melbourne Queer Film Festival and a Melbourne Fringe Festival Living Legend. In 2020 he was awarded the Sidney Myer Performing Arts Awards' Facilitator's Prize. Most recently, Richard was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Green Room Awards Association in June 2021. Follow him on Twitter: @richardthewatts