Arts academics protest tertiary funding cuts

Creative arts academics join the national chorus of criticism of tertiary funding cuts ahead of nationwide protests on May 14.
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Creative arts academics join the national chorus of criticism of tertiary funding cuts ahead of nationwide protests on May 14.

A roll-call of creative  arts academics have added their names to an open letter to Prime Minister Gillard opposing cuts to tertiary funding ahead of a roll-out of protests around the country on 14 May, the day of the federal budget.

Academics from arts departments in the country’s major universities were among the 1007 to give their names to a pro forma headed ‘University Cuts are Dumb Cuts’ written by the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU), which paid to have the letter published in 18 newspapers in every state and territory around the country on 1 May.

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Paul Isbel
About the Author
Paul Isbel is a former ArtsHub contributor and a publicist for the Australasian Arts and Antiques Dealers Association. Most recently he was a course designer for an entry-level vocational training program for the arts sector.