Our top 10 arts organisations to work for

What arts organisations in Australia are doing the most exciting things? Where in the arts would you like to work? Would it be large or small, big or bold, or just plain fun? Chances are you can fit all the people that do work there in a lift, but no matter, there’s always room to dream! ArtsHub has a think about some of our top spots.
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What arts organisations in Australia are doing the most exciting things? Where in the arts would you like to work? Would it be large or small, big or bold, or just plain fun? Chances are you can fit all the people that do work there in a lift, but no matter, there’s always room to dream! ArtsHub has a think about some of our top spots.


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Fiona Mackrell
About the Author
Fiona Mackrell is a Melbourne based freelancer. You can follow her at @McFifi or check out www.fionamackrell.com