Deborah Stone

Deborah's Latest Articles


The Year of Magical Thinking, fortyfivedownstairs (VIC)

Jillian Murray inhabits Joan Didion with absolute conviction in this small but beautifully crafted production about the intellectual dislocation of…


Activists call for ban on ‘bloody sacrificial ritual’ at Dark MOFO

Dark MOFO is facing controversy with a ritualistic performance by Hermann Nitsch but confronting blood is precisely the point.


Art's truth behind Stella-winning fiction

The winner of this year’s Stella Prize is a novel built around the transformative power of art, as the characters…


It's got to be perfect

Gentle audience participation creates a comfortable night of comedy.


Lord of the Flies

An ambitious dance work pushes the context of dance performance, if not the aesthetics.


Proof arts make kids smarter, healthier and better adults

Consolidated evidence gathered by Britain’s Cultural Learning Alliance provides new proof that arts education is an excellent investment.


Australia Council reveals how much will be left for arts grants

Questioning at Senate Estimates today exposed the details of the funds that will be returned to Australia Council following the…

Opinions & Analysis

How the war was won by the arts lobby

There are important lessons to be learned from the 22-month campaign that culminated this week in the end of Catalyst…


Arts promises ahead of WA election

While the LNP is standing on its record for regional arts, WA Labor is going to the election with extra…


$10 million to Australia Council won’t help the sector

The Australia Council has been forced to draw on its reserves to avoid even more devastating cuts to the small-to-medium…

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