VIDEO: Mystery of the Aztecs uncovered at Melbourne Museum

A new exhibition of more than 200 artefacts shines a light on this ancient and intriguing empire.
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Mictlantecuhtli (God of Death), about 1480. Photo by Sarah Adams. 

Those who can’t afford a plane trip to Mexico can instead put on their archaeological digging outfit this winter in Melbourne to explore the dramatic and ultimately tragic story of the Aztecs. The Melbourne Museum’s Aztecs exhibition has drawn together over 200 artefacts from museums across Mexico to tell the rich and complex stories of everyday life in this ancient society.

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Sarah Adams
About the Author
Sarah Adams is a media, film and television junkie. She is the former deputy editor of ArtsHub Australia and now works in digital communications - telling research stories across multiple platforms - in the higher education sector. Follow her @sezadams