10 frightening fictional characters

In honour of Halloween, ArtsHub takes a look at our most terrifying fictional characters.
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Whether you’re a fan of his or not, there is no denying that Stephen King is a master when it comes to creating creepy characters. While there are a bunch to chose from – Annie Wilkes from Misery didn’t quite make the cut for this list, but came damn close – the psycho killer clown IT takes the cake. The 1990 film sparked a huge increase in instances of coulrophobia (fear of clowns), or so we imagine. Whether he was looking up at you from a drain, standing across the road with balloons, or laughing maniacally he had us checking under the bed at night. In the 23 years that have passed since the infamous film’s debut, he may have gained a slight kitsch quality in nostalgia, but still manages to create a mild panic in most. 

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Sarah Adams
About the Author
Sarah Adams is a media, film and television junkie. She is the former deputy editor of ArtsHub Australia and now works in digital communications - telling research stories across multiple platforms - in the higher education sector. Follow her @sezadams