The artist as a philosopher

The best art reflects the rich and varied experiences of life. Philosophy tries to distil meaning from existence. So what happens when we combine the two?
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Philosophy and art: the two have been working together to poke around under the hood of the human condition for centuries. Whether artists are aware of the philosophical component of their work or not, art sits securely within the philosophical paradigm.

‘I think if people argue that “all art is political” then surely all art is philosophical -intentionally or not,’ says Sunny Leunig, who describes himself as a Magosopher (ma-jos-opher), a performer who has integrated magic and philosophy in his work.

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Sarah Adams
About the Author
Sarah Adams is a media, film and television junkie. She is the former deputy editor of ArtsHub Australia and now works in digital communications - telling research stories across multiple platforms - in the higher education sector. Follow her @sezadams