The art of teasing

Once a mixture of comic plays and bawdy humour, burlesque reeled the crowds in by showcasing women in stages of undress that, over the years, grew progressively more revealing. When hard-core pornography arrived in the 1960s, it seemed to sound the final death knell for the art, but in recent years burlesque has proven its versatility by coming back into cabaret bars and concert venues around the
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John Howard’s conservative Australian government may be described by some as ‘The Abbott and Costello Show’, but it’s paying no tributes to the industry that launched the US comedy duo’s careers.

The Australian government recently revoked funding for the Australia New Zealand Climate Forum after delegates walked out on a show headed by burlesque performer Rebecca Gale, proving that the genre remains as provocative as it did in the days of Gypsy Rose Lee and Lili St. Cyr.

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