Brenda Blethyn Haunted

SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE: Brenda Blethyn returns to Australia with 'Haunted', a production from The Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester.
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Brenda Blethyn returns to Australia with ‘Haunted’, the production from The Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester that has already travelled the United Kingdom, Ireland and the US (where it played Off Broadway) is coming for a short season to Sydney Opera House’s Playhouse from June 8.

The play was written by Edna O’Brien, who Blethyn describes with enthusiasm as “the queen of Irish literature”. The two-time Oscar nominated actress seems to be a fan of O’Brien’s, “ you may or may not be aware, but in the sixties her books were considered so raunchy that they were burnt publicly by the Catholic church ceremoniously. But now, she has just had a book of short stories published to the best reviews I think I have ever seen to anything anywhere.”

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Leo Ribeiro
About the Author
Leo Ribeiro is an ArtsHub writer.