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Immersive experience. Image is of multicoloured tree trunks without leaves and a blue pathway leading through them.

A look at the immersive shift in Australia's cultural sector and how to fund it

REMIX Summit 2023 in Perth delved into "The Immersive Revolution" and what this could mean for funding models in Australia.

Whiteley. Man in black with white gloves holds up a large orange canvas.

The Whiteley Art Scandal, ABC review: a rotten world well displayed

A gripping true-crime story that shows what goes on behind the glossy paintings of the rich and connected? Yes please.

Australian novels in film. Image shows a woman in a blue coat and man in a black jacket walking in the misty woods.

Australian novels adapted into films: watch list

From 'The Dry' to 'Schindler's List', there's no shortage of Australian novels being translated to the big screen.

David Hannam

Screenwriter David Hannam shares tips for would-be TV writers

If TV is entering its 'post-Golden Era' there are still some dos and don'ts to keep you on the right…

Camerata Cinematheque Photo: Alex Jamieson

Music Review: Camerata Cinematheque, QPAC, Brisbane Festival

String orchestra meets arthouse cinema in an intriguing melange of art forms.


Irish Film Festival Australia launches 2023 program

Doing justice to the cinematic output of a entire nation is ‘very challenging,’ says Irish Film Festival Australia Festival Director…


The rise of South Australian film festivals

Emerging and diverse filmmakers in SA have more opportunities to show their work with the rise in local film festivals.


Sydney Opera House has 50 free films you can stream now

Titled 50/50, a program of 50 archival films has been unveiled by Sydney Opera House for anyone in Australia to…


Film review: Little Blue, Taiwan Film Festival in Australia

Lee Yi Fang's 'Little Blue' is a mediation on female desire through the dreamy lens of adolescence.

A black and white image of six figures dancing in a circle. Their arms are outstretched as some of them bend backwards and others inwards. They are wearing black crop tops.

Site-specific dance in the digital world

How are artists and dance companies creating a sense of place, physicality and location across a screen?

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