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Book review: The Wild Reciter, Peter Kirkpatrick
The shifting historical commingling of poetry and popular culture.

Book review: mark the dawn, Jazz Money
Jazz Money's second poetry collection is a lyrical and fierce reckoning of contemporary life.

Book review: Milk and Honey: 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition, Rupi Kaur
The bestselling Instapoet returns with an anniversary edition of her debut book.

Book review: The Infant Vine, Isabella G Mead
This debut collection of poetry plays with the intersection between motherhood and the natural world.

Book review: Venus Without Furs, Gabrielle Everall
A collection of poetry that riffs and talks back to Leopold von Sascher-Masoch, author of notorious classic 'Venus in Furs'.

Book review: Raw Salt, Izzy Roberts-Orr
This debut poetry collection canvasses death and the environment, mourning and memory.

Book Review: Ghost Poetry, Robbie Coburn
A poetry collection that reflects deeply on trauma, loss and hope.

Book review: Who Comes Calling?, Miriam Wei Wei Lo
Miriam Wei Wei Lo's second poetry collection explores motherhood, immigration, religion and the creative life.

Book review: Television, Kate Middleton
An ode to the ways in which television nurtures our self-understanding.

Book review: Woven, edited by Anne-Marie Te Whiu
A poetry collection that weaves together First Nations voices from around the globe.