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Photo: SHVETS production, Pexels.
Career Advice

Many arts organisations are seeking communications coordinators – what skills do you actually need?

More than what the job title may suggest, communications coordinators require a vast array of responsibilities and skills, and those…

Avoid these mistakes to ensure you get the most out of tax time. Photo: Sam Lion, Unsplash. A little dog wearing a yellow striped tie with a pair of glasses resting on its nose.
Career Advice

What not to do at tax time

Avoid making these four mistakes to ensure a smooth tax time.

Woman dressed in black seated on floor playing black guitar.

The arts are being sidelined in the cost of living crisis

It’s time we stopped framing the arts as a luxury instead of a human right threatened by the cost of living…

Photo: Eric Nopanen, Unsplash. Woman lying on the ground near grey radio.

This week's arts news and trending topics

We break it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

Career Advice

Lesser known tax deductions for creative freelancers

What are some of the tax deductions creatives can and can't claim?

Ngaanyatjarra Land, artists from L-R: Nyungawarra Ward, Dorcas Tinamayi Bennett, Cynthia Burke, Delilah Shepherd and Nancy Nyanyarna Jackson. Photo: Jason Thomas. Image: Courtesy of Warakurna Artists. Five large-scale paintings held up by artists in the Australian desert landscape with a blue skyline in the background.

Aboriginal art fair rides the wave of global ambition

ArtsHub speaks with Shilo McNamee of Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair on future ambitions and the highlights of this year’s flagship…

2024 Generations Western Sydney Music (Early Career) Fellowship recipients (L-R): FRIDAY*, Gemma Navarette and Yellowline. Photo: Create NSW. Recipients standing outside in front of a colourful mural.

Opportunities and awards

Creative Australia calling for peer assessors, plus winners of emerging musicians fellowships and more!


Making it count: Brisbane Festival announces its 2024 program

Brisbane Festival has just 23 days in the year to make an impact, and AD Louise Bezzina is making every…

2024 First Nations Arts and Culture Awards recipients (l to r) Dean Brady, Tibian Wyles, Sara Prestwidge, Brenda Gifford, Uncle Badger Bates, Meleika Gresa. Photo: Supplied. A group of First Nations artists in front of a photo board with the Creative Australia logo and photos of First Nations performances.

Senior First Nations artists receive recognition for lifetime achievement

Uncle Badger Bates and Aunty Mabel Juli receive Red Ochre Award for Lifetime Achievement, while emerging First Nations excellence is…

Arts sector appointments. A dynamic photograph of waves rising and falling as they roll forward towards the unseen shore.

On the move: latest arts sector appointments

A new Chief Conductor, new Board members, and other arts sector comings and goings from around the country.

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