So you want my arts job: Bibliotherapist

Though bibliotherapy is an ancient practice it's not particularly well-known, says Dr Susan McLaine, a practitioner of over 18 years standing.
bibliotherapist. Image is of the head and shoulders of a woman with a greying bob, smiling against a purple background which has the text 'so you want my arts job' on the right.

Dr Susan McLaine is the creative director of Bibliotherapy Australia and a leading advocate, practitioner and trainer of bibliotherapy – using literature and storytelling to support well-being. For more than 18 years, she has researched, delivered, written and spoken about bibliotherapy in Australia and internationally.

McLaine offers bibliotherapy in a facilitated self-reflective format for adults and children via innovative bibliotherapy podcasts for State Library VictoriaBUPA and Vision Australia, which have been described by The Guardian as the closest thing to a hug. She travels nationwide with her unique “Heart-Centred Bibliotherapy” model Building Bibliotherapy Skills.

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Thuy On is the Reviews and Literary Editor of ArtsHub and an arts journalist, critic and poet who’s written for a range of publications including The Guardian, The Saturday Paper, Sydney Review of Books, The Australian, The Age/SMH and Australian Book Review. She was the books editor of The Big issue for 8 years. Her debut, a collection of poetry called Turbulence, came out in 2020 and was released by University of Western Australia Publishing (UWAP). Her second collection, Decadence, was published in July 2022, also by UWAP. Her third book, Essence, will be published in 2025. Twitter: @thuy_on Instagram: poemsbythuy