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Still from 'Natural Rythms of Australia' by VANDAL at Darling Quarter North. Photo: Supplied.
Opinions & Analysis

Exploring the ethics of Artificial Intelligence in art

Creators behind year-long generative AI work that traces changes in Australia’s natural environment unveil their considerations when it comes to…

Illustration with a person wearing a red hood standing against a smoky background with large blocks of red and grey. The atmosphere is dystopian.
Opinions & Analysis

Is fear around AI doing more harm than good?

Our anxiety is pitching artists against AI when collaboration and exploration are what's needed.

video game voice over artist
Opinions & Analysis

How to get into voice acting for video games

Thinking of getting into video game voice acting? We share some key tips for beginners.

konami square enix nfts
Opinions & Analysis

Are NFTs the emperor’s new clothes?

The backlash against NFTs and use of the blockchain is vocal and prolific. So why are gaming companies like Square…

radiohead kid a mnesia exhibition ps5
Opinions & Analysis

Have Radiohead made a gallery from the PS5?

Legendary alternative band Radiohead have built a free interactive art exhibition for the PlayStation 5 and PC. It’s very cool.

Text reading 'Push to reset' with a large red button written ona white crick wall
Opinions & Analysis

Resetting Australia’s public arts agenda

A series of conversations in Adelaide wants to put the arts at the centre of recovery efforts.

Patrick McIntyre headshot

Meet NFSA's new CEO Patrick McIntyre

After a series of technically inclined experts, the NFSA reveals its new head is a cultural leader.

A sun sets behind a mountain on a desert world, a robed figure is in the foreground.
Opinions & Analysis

How games can become our greatest artform

At his recent keynote at Melbourne International Games Week, Albert Chessa argued that there was a way for games to…

Colourful jigsaw pieces
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Advocacy that’s local, informed and connected: from research to action

In times of crisis, how can we use research for big picture change?

A compass sits on a map
Opinions & Analysis

Exit strategy: a new vision for art and culture?

A new policy vision for the arts is desperately needed, but treating the arts like any other industry is not…

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