Andrea Simpson

Andrea's Latest Articles


A seat in the writer's room: writing for stage and screen

Playwright and NIDA graduate Gretel Vella discusses the reality of life behind the keyboard, and the differences between writing for…

Career Advice

Why flexible workplaces are better for organisations' bottom line

Progressive workplaces improve staff productivity and staff retention says Chair of the Equal Workplaces Advisory Council, Liberty Sanger.


Artist as activist: a force for social change

Artists and activists Mama Alto, Steve Lambert and Jax Jacki Brown discuss 'strategic dramaturgy' and making work with the potential…


Regional arts: the space for meaningful exchange

This year Artlands Victoria will shine a light on important conversations in the region, provide a space for cultural exchange,…


‘The need to make work keeps me going’

Physical theatre artist Debra Batton has had a long and varied career. ArtsHub spoke with Batton about her career journey,…


Review: The Life to Come by Michelle de Kretser, Allen & Unwin

Winner of the 2018 Miles Franklin Award, The Life to Come is an expansive story that explores the microaggressions that…


More than beauty; shattering preconceptions about the make-up industry

The make-up industry is going through a revolution – and NIDA’s Diploma of Screen and Media (Specialist Make-up Services) is…


How the personal is political when it comes to writing memoir

Writer and essayist Zoya Patel joined memoirist Bri Lee at this year’s Melbourne Writers Festival to discuss how personal work…


Providing literature to remote communities

Indigenous Literacy Foundation’s The Great Book Swap raises funds for remote Australian communities: you can host a book swap at…

Career Advice

Career Spotlight: Circus Performer

Ever wanted to run away and join the Circus? ArtsHub spoke with a leading circus performer and teacher on life…

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