Letter from the CEO of ArtsHub

Support ArtsHub to continue its 23-year mission.
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I hope this letter finds you well. As you are a valued reader of ArtsHub I wanted to take a moment to share with you some important information about the future sustainability of our publication.

ArtsHub has been a trusted and independent voice for the arts sector for the last 23 years, driven by our team’s dedication towards our mission for passionate, high-quality journalism that showcases the richness and diversity of artistic expression, as well as providing oversight and insights into the creative sector.

Our commitment to providing insightful, informative, trusted and thought-provoking content requires significant resources. As ArtsHub is not supported by government funding, our primary source of funding comes from our members. As a paid member you are directly contributing to the sustainability of our independent journalism in the arts sector and enabling us to fairly compensate our talented team of journalists, writers and editors.

In this climate of fake news and the increasing use of AI, our journalists and writers are having to work harder to validate sources and continue to produce trusted content. We believe in the power of an informed society and the impact of arts and culture on our collective well-being. With your support, we can invest in in-depth research, investigative reporting and innovative storytelling techniques and projects that keep you informed and engaged with the arts.

One such project is The Amplify Collective – with the assistance of The Walkley Foundation and the Meta Australian News Fund we have recently signed on 45 writers from underrepresented communities. In July alone we published 31 articles from 25 of the 45 writers, which have collectively attracted over 18,000 article views. Our team is excited and proud of The Amplify Collective project and it’s with your support we can continue to create opportunities for arts writers and contributors.

Read: Over 40 diverse writers join ArtsHub’s Amplify Collective

To make it easier to show your support we have launched a new support tier of membership that gives you access to all our news content and directly supports our editorial team. Alternatively, if you are not in a position to take up a membership, you can show your support by sharing the ArtsHub mission with your friends and colleagues and, of course, by continuing to engage with ArtsHub articles and content via our website, newsletters and social media.

Your support means the world to us.

Yours sincerely
Sol Wise, CEO ArtsHub