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Glass half full of water
Opinions & Analysis

Shadow Arts Minister says Revive falls a long way short

Shadow Minister for the Arts, Paul Fletcher says Revive offers 'not much new, and not much new money.'

Opinions & Analysis

Why is TV so much better than film at video game adaptations?

Making a film is already difficult enough and it’s even more of an uphill struggle for a video game film…

Man (Tony Burke) smiles as
Opinions & Analysis

What Labor promised the arts

With Labor forming government, we revisit what Tony Burke promised for the arts and ask the sector to keep him…

Man (Paul Fletcher) examining ceramic works of a woman (Judith Inkamala) in an art gallery
Opinions & Analysis

Opinion: We don’t take the arts sector for granted

Standing on their record for the arts, Paul Fletcher offers his ideas for the future of the arts should they…

Priya Roy and Pearl Tan
Opinions & Analysis

How intersectionality can help storytellers

What is 'intersectionality'? Pearl Tan and Priya A Roy explain not only how it can make better stories but a…

Opinions & Analysis

The arts need to reboot for salary equity

Did JobKeeper advance the case for a universal artist salary?

Patrick McIntyre headshot

Meet NFSA's new CEO Patrick McIntyre

After a series of technically inclined experts, the NFSA reveals its new head is a cultural leader.

Thanks to No Money Enterprise it became cool to be from Logan City, QLD. Image supplied.
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Pasifika Pride and the power of visibility

Filmmaker Jessica Magro has many reasons to celebrate the artistic success of Pacific Islander hip-hop artists.