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Film review: Lasting Impressions, IMAX Melbourne
Impressionist artworks explored through immersive 3D and animation, and set to music by Debussy, Ravel, Piaf and others.

Exhibition review: Contact Zone: Victoria Wareham, Metro Arts
The screen and its relationship with the viewer.

Exhibition review: Pompeii, National Museum of Australia
Off the back of new discoveries and a wave of immersive exhibitions globally, Pompeii is the star of an exhibition…

Exhibition review: Cao Fei: My City is Yours, AGNSW
An exhibition that explores where reality, fantasy and the cyber worlds become indistinguishable.

Exhibition review: Joan Ross, Those trees came back to me in my dreams, National Portrait Gallery
Joan Ross is a master at contextualising and recontextualising Australia’s colonial past, with an edginess for today’s viewing audiences.

Exhibition review: Māreikura-Ka rere te rongoā | the medicine flows, Immigration Museum
A multimedia exhibition that showcases the strength of the Māori matriarchy.

Exhibition review: Isaac Julien, Once Again... (Statues Never Die), MCA
A spectacular exhibition asks the big questions about how museums collect, and show, artworks with Black histories.

Exhibition review: Primavera 2024: Young Australian Artists, MCA
Now in its 33rd year, this year’s Primavera manages to deliver a dynamic exhibition via its fresh crop of artists.

Performance and exhibition review: Ground Beneath/Ocean Between, Queen Victoria Museum and Arts Gallery
A dance and video installation of a regional youth dance troupe.

Exhibition review: Angelica Mesiti: The Rites of When, AGNSW
Angelica Mesiti delivers a complex and immersive video work, but it is overshadowed by the architecture of the Tank gallery.