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Moral panic over sex-ed book overlooks real value of teen sex education
The moral panic over a sex education book for teens has seen Big W staff abused, and ignores the ways…

Decolonising the written word
As an editor, a relatively new part of my brief is to be on the alert for colonial exceptionalism. What…

The forgotten history of Tasmania’s convict nurseries
Unearthing the tragic fates of hundreds of babies in the early 1800s.

How creative writing helps teens cope with COVID
Creative writing is therapeutic for teenagers, and also shows them new ways of supporting one another.

Finding gay panic in writing
When author Jonathan Butler started researching his ancestor’s sexuality, he soon encountered the thorny business of outing the dead.

Marketing books in the digital age
As she grows her publishing house from scratch, Terri-ann White offers advice on marketing books.

Publishing models for changed conditions
Which publishing models can thrive in these uneasy times? The answer might surprise.

Writers represent the arts’ fragility at Parliamentary Inquiry
At the first hearing at the Parliamentary Inquiry into the arts, three writers and a literary journal editor told of…