Search Results

Book review: The Best Australian Science Writing 2024, Jackson Ryan and Carl Smith (editors)
Now in its 14th iterative, the anthology continues to bring forth a new array of science writing.

Book review: The House of Rural Realness, Curtis Campbell
A story of growing up, friendships, and fierce drag in a rural town.Â

Opportunities and awards
Grants open for applications, plus winners of GradFoto award, finalists of National Designer Award and National Graduate Showcase, and more!

Book review: Cold Truth, Ashley Kalagian Blunt
The freezing temperature is not the only thing that will send chills along your spine.

Melbourne's historic queer bookshop facing financial hardship
Eighteen months after moving to the Victorian Pride Centre in St Kilda, the iconic queer bookshop Hares and Hyenas is…

Australian publishing faces unprecedented consolidation – will it help or hurt local authors?
In a massive sea change for Australian publishing, three independent publishers have been acquired in less than six months. Experts…

Book review: Memorial Days, Geraldine Brooks
A memoir about grief by a writer at the top of her form.

New writing program for Pasifika-Australian authors
A project set to amplify the voices of Pasifika-Australians.

Arts news watch: this week's trending topics
We report it – you read it. Keep your eye on this week's top arts news stories.

Book review: Those Opulent Days, Jacquie Pham
A crime thriller set in 1920s Vietnam.